Directions to Grandma’s house probably won’t be necessary for many of us this Thanksgiving for once again...the pandemic. With COVID-19’s third wave swamping the entire country, holiday plans have been at best in flux, and at worst, abandoned altogether.
This holiday season may look more like Tom Hanks in “The Castaway” than the iconic Norman Rockwell painting.
And like everything else in this plague year, that’s a bummer. Family, food and football must take a backseat to prudence. Risk, reward calculations take precedence over turkey and gravy, stuffing and pumpkin pie. The hard truth today is that as much as we love and cherish our families and our family get togethers, this time is different. This time requires sacrifice and isolation. The irony is obvious. A season devoted to the gathering of the tribes has, for now, become a moment to separate ourselves for the greater good.
These are hard times but they shall give way to better days ahead. Meanwhile, this year what’s needed is isolation.
Splendid Isolation.
This week on the Behavioral Corner Podcast...
You know the song....” It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”? It’s in all those car commercials. Sometimes it’s even true. The holidays can be wonderful and also stressful for folks in recovery. Join us on the Behavioral Corner for our seasonal “Home of the Holidays” show with two of our favorite people, Maggie Hunt and Grace Shober from Retreat Behavioral Health.
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